
HOW TO LOSE 25KG (55lb.) FAST?

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How to lose weight 25kg fast

How to drop off 55 lb. quickly?

The number of meals-6 meals

The time of nutrition -8-10-12 a.m. 2-4-6 p. m.


First of all the diet is used 7 days. After these 7 days of the diet the week when you eat in a usual way follows but with the limitation of sweet, fatty, spice and farina food –during this week the achieved kilograms are consolidated. It is possible you’ll add 1-2,5kg. to your body weight but it’s not dangerous because in seven days the diet will be  repeated. One week of the diet is alternated   with one week of normal nutrition until you’ll reach the desired weight.

The first day-400 gr. of baked potatoes without salt and 500 gr. of yogurt 1% (it’s per day);

The second day-400 gr. of low-fatted cottage cheese and 500 gr. of yogurt 1% ;

The third day-400 gr. of fruit (all except bananas and grapes) and 500 gr. of yogurt 1%;

The fourth day-400 gr. of chicken chest, boiled without salt and 500 gr. of yogurt 1 %;

The fifth day- 400 gr. of fruit and 500 gr. of yogurt 1 %;

The sixth day-1, 5 liter of mineral, not fizzy water (for the whole day);

The seventh day-400 gr. of fruit and 500 gr. of yogurt 1 %;

The food can’t be changed at any means!


The results are phenomenal, the loss of weight: during the first week you can lose 11 lb., during the second one-7-9 lb. You can lose about 52 lb. for two months.




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