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maple syrup diet


How to make maple syrup lemon cayenne diet?

The famous today maple diet is strict enough-during the whole time from 10 days nothing is consumed except the drink  made of 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, hot red peppers or fresh juice from ginger, 300 ml. of warm or cold water. The components are stirred to homogeneous mixture. From 6 to 12 glasses (2 to 4 liters) of drink are consumed per day. You can drink a cup of peppermint tea or water. The caloricity of 100 gr. of maple syrup is 261 calories- during these 10 days the organism is in low calories regime. The slimming is about 22, 2 lb.

 How to avoid the yo-yo effect?

Surely this regime will exhaust you much and you’ll quickly return your lost kilograms. That’s why you may apply a  compromise variant included taking of fruit and vegetables as well as reducing of duration of starving for 3,5 or 7 days. The feeding is very important in order to avoid yo-yo effect and make worse the condition of your digestive system. Start with easily digestive food (fruit and fruit juices, vegetable soups, raw or stewed vegetables, soya products) in small portions.

If you don’t have maximum and quick goals, you can change the  only  one nutrition with maple drink during 3-6 months. It is good to make one cleansing day with this maple “wonder” during the week. You’ll feel really well, you’ll unload the organism and you’ll get the energy and the losing of spare kilograms will be gradually.

Even id you abstract from losing weight, there is an argument to trust the maple syrup: antioxidants in it have irreplaceable antibacteriological properties, it supplies energy in the organism and forces immunity because of vitamins and microelements, helps to limit toxins and stimulates digestion. About 150 ml. of maple syrup assures a day doze of manganese, which is necessary for normal functions of immune and nervous systems, as well as for health of bones. Zinc in the maple syrup is important for functions of reproductive organs, a prostatic gland, protein synthesis, protects the liver from injury, helps formatting of bone tissue. Despite of sweetness it is recommended at sugar diabetics because of  the abstsisiev acid, cleanses a gall and kidneys, helps in struggle with bad cholesterol It is effective in struggle against the growth of cancer cells in brain, chests, lungs, a prostatic gland.

Another variant of the diet with the maple syrup

Another variant is a program “The Replacement   of Nutrition” when the first and the second meals are replaced with 2-3 glasses of cocktail. The program of cleansing “Once a Week” introduces a regime when the drink is consumed once a week, but it is drunk the whole day.

The taking of the maple syrup reflects well on the whole organism and especially on the digestive system, hair, skin, the general physical condition. And never forget about the physical activity.









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