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Unlike more other nutrative regimes this diet has a golden rule to consume the least of calories  in the morning and in the evening (to 7 p.m.) one can eat more. The diet is for 7 days, 4-7 lb. will be lost. Every day one of the offered variants for breakfast, lunch and dinner is chosen.



The exemplary menu

Breakfast (200 calories)

 1 variant: one egg-boiled or fried in a Teflon pan without any fats, 1 thin slice of whole-grain bread, 100 gr. of fresh fruit juice.

2 variant: 1/3 teacup boiled oat flakes with a glass of fatless milk, 1 tablespoon of raisins, 150 gr. of natural  fruit juice.

3 variant: 2 tablespoons of boiled brown rice with a glass of fatless milk, 1 apple.

4 variant: 200 gr. of fruit salad , 150 gr. of fatless yogurt.

Lunch (about 300 calories)

1 variant:  1 potato baked in peelings, stuffed with 100 gr. of low fatted cottage cheese, 1 portion of mixed vegetable salad with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 orange, apple or pear.

2 variant: 1 cup of vegetable bouillon, 25 gr. of cheese, 1 slice of whole-grain bread (50 gr.), 1 pear or apple.

3 variant: 2 thin slices of bread , 50 gr. of preserved beans (without sauce and fats) , 100 gr. of  fresh fruit by your choice.

4 variant: omelet from 2 eggs with some slices of tomato, green pepper and mushrooms (cooked in a Teflon pan without any fats), 1 apple.

Dinner (about 500 calories)

1 variant: 1 portion of stewed green beans, 100 gr. of fresh fruit by your choice.

2 variant: 1 portion of milk soup with vegetables, 25 gr. of grated low fatted cheese, 1 thin slice of toast from whole-grain bread, 50 gr. of dry apricots.

3 variant: 1 big potato baked in peelings, 60 gr. of boiled beans (without sauce and fats) , 1 portion of salad from cabbage and carrots, 1 glass of yogurt with a tablespoon of raisins or cut dry apricots.

The second diet

The diet goes on five days  and on the sixth day you may eat your favorite food but not late than 4 p.m. After dinner – only water without limitations.

The exemplary menu


Granola. One cup of small  cut fruit by your choice (without grapes, bananas  and  figs) is mixed with 1 tablespoon of fresh sprouts  and 100 gr. of yogurt.

The second breakfast

Fruit cocktail. 100 ml. of natural juice by your choice is shaken with the same quantity of yogurt.


Stewed vegetables. Some bunches of cauliflower, 1 pepper, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon of peas, half  of onion, 1 slice of celery is cut and stewed in water for a while. Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and some cut parsley.

One can pour some sauce cooked with  a teaspoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice  and 100 gr.of low fatted yogurt.

Afternoon  breakfast


Sandwich, 100 gr.of boiled rice mixed with one cut apple and 100 gr. of fruit by your choice. 



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