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Godji berry and weight loss


What is Godji berry ?

Goji berry is a fruit  which cleanses the body from toxins, helps the function of liver, gall and kidneys. It acts well for high blood pressure, reduces the blood pressure and cholesterol, protects from heart diseases. It is suitable for cooking different dishes –as a seasoning  for chicken and fish,soups, porridges and sweets.

Where is it growing?

The plant  is eastern-asian and it is also  called Wolfberry, Lucia(Lycium Barbarum/ Lycium Chinese) and “red diamonds”. It is growing in south-eastern Europe and Asia.

Curative properties

The fruit is used  at faint spell, dizziness, vertigo, tired eyes, glaucoma, tingle and even at diabetes. It rises the ummunity and acts well for skin. It stimulates  cardio-vascular system and it is useful for stress. Goji berry helps  the prevention of cancer too. Its fruits are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, riboflavin, beta carotene and polysaccharides  and a big amount of vitamin C. According to Chinese medicine  this fruit balances   Yin and Yang  energies in our bodies. It influences well on metabolism, cleanses the organism and helps the reduction of body weight.

 How to eat Godji Berry

Goji berry  has a sweet taste. The fruits may  be eaten always after the thermal treatment or may  be soaked for  tea. It may be eaten with musli , with oat flakes , with yogurt, with warm water for tea , added to cakes and desserts. It must be consumed by 30 gr. daily. You mustn’t eat  it when you have diarrhea, gases and the  swelling of an abdomen. If you are treated by chemotherary or radiotherapy, you may use these fruits for averting of reduction of the level of white  bloody  cells and increasing of the effect of therapy. The juice from Goji berry is very useful because of a  big amount of polysaccharides in it and the great curative properties are prescribed to it. It is said to be an aphrodisiac  and it helps problems with erection.

-At gastritis and for the stimulation of digestion the fruits are consumed directly after the termal treatment.

- For the reduction of blood sugar and blood pressure they  are soaked and consumed with water. The recommended doze is 10-20 gr. daily  for 3 takes.

-The tea from lycia and chrysanthemum is recommended for improvement of vision and the tea  from lycia and Chinese limonnik-for cleansing of liver.

It is an unpretentious  and easy for growing  plant.

If it starts once, Goji  berry is grown easily. It grows in different kinds of soil. It grows in the shape but being under the sun it gives more fruits. You can grow it from seeds or you can buy ready young plants. It must be cut on the top in order to have more fruits.

Healthy Drinks with Goji berry

-Put 200 gr. of fruits in 1 liter of white wine or liqueur. It may be consumed in a month 1-2 times daily -25 ml. If you want you may add some candy.

-Mix in the blender equal quantities of Goji berry, blueberries, cherries, apples, peaches  and blackberries  and mix  them for some minutes. You may add a glass of fresh orange juice in order  to  be beaten easily. Sprinkle some pine nuts.

-1/4 glass of soaked Goji berry , ½ tea spoon of grated orange skin, ½ tea spoon grated ginger, 1 date or 1 tea spoon of honey are mixed in the blender for getting the mixtire like jam. Mix with water and soaked Goji berry.You may add the fruit drink if you wish.

-2 glasses of water are mixed with a glass of grated carrots and 2 table spoons of Goji berry (soaked for some minutes). Mix  it in the blender for about a minute.

Goji berry Dressing

Mix ½ glass of Goji berry ( soaked one hour) , ½ glass of blueberries or raspberries, 1 glass of mallow part of coconut or coconut shreds, 2 dates, ½ tea spoon of an orange skin. Add some juice from any fruit and turn the blender on. The received mixture is suitable for salad dressing.

The Soup from Sweet Potatoes and Goji berry

(suitable for people with  diabetes)


2 sweet potatoes , coconut milk (a tin), Goji berry –by  your taste, vanilla butter.

Boil  the potatoes, beat them in the blender with some water to get the consistency of a normal cream-soup. Pour in the bowls. Add some drops of vanilla butter and Goji berry. It is good to keep the coconut milk in the fridge in advance to be tight. Make small balls of it and put 2-3 in each portion. Don’t beat! You may add nuts or seasonings  if you want.

Omelet with Parmesan, Goji berry and Chili peppers


5 eggs, 30 gr. of French cheese or parmesan , olive oil, 50 gr. of Goji berry, 3-4 fresh green hot peppers (chili), 3-4 fresh onions, 1 bunch of parsley.

Put the eggs in a saucepan. After slight baking,  add some parmesan and mix it. Add 2-3 table spoons of olive oil and go on mixing. Add cut onion, parsley and peppers  round cut. Turn the cooker  off and go on mixing.When the dish is going cool , add Goji berry. Cover with the lid.

Waffles with Cocoa and Goji berry


1  egg, 300 gr. of flour, 300 ml. of milk, 2 table spoons of sugar, 100 gr.of butter, 1 baking powder, 1 coffee spoon of vanilla powder, 2 table spoons of chopped cocoa beans, 1 table spoon of dried Goji berry.

Beat eggs, butter and sugar. Add  fresh milk, flour and baking powder.  Beat well to get a thick liquid mixture.  Bake the waffles  to be golden in the heated oven. Have them with honey or pine syrup.

 There are some interesting facts about Goji berry which you have to know if you are going to consume this fruit.

  •          Goji berry contains more vitamin C than  any other known us products.
  •          The reseaches show that the use of Goji  berry increases  testosterone and  thus libido of men.
  •         Another interesting fact is that  this fruit helps more effective turning of food into energy than  spare fats.
  •          Goji berry allows us to see better at night and improve our vision.
  •         It stimulates the production of digestive liquids  and then  the whole digestion.







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