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This diet is kept for 21 days. Don’t forget that the exact following of all recommendations of the water diet will help you to be fit and lose the spare kilograms easily. Keeping this diet you will lose between 31 and 44 lb. for 21 days.

The first day

During the first day you can have whatever you want for breakfast but the whole amount of calories must not be more than 600. In addition to breakfast you must drink a glass of water. The water must be boiled. For lunch and dinner one glass of water is drunk for each meal.The whole amount of water which you can drink is not less than 2 liters.

From the second to the fifth day

You can eat whole wheat bread, one orange, eggs and potatoes per day. Don’t forget to drink a great quantity of water!

From the sixth to eighth day

During these days a glass of water and an apple for breakfast. For lunch–spaghetti with tomato sauce but without   butter. For dinner one jug of water and one orange or one apple. Don’t forget that you mustn’t drink more than 3 liters of water per day.

From the ninth to twelfth day

For breakfast drink water and eat apples. For lunch you can allow 3 bars of dark chocolate, not more than 3 baked potatoes and two boiled eggs. Without spices and butter, you can use only some salt. Dinner is the same as for 6-8 days.

The 13-15 day

For breakfast –water, an apple and spaghetti. Lunch -grated carrots, an apple, a soup without meat and seasonings. Dinner is only water.

The 16-19 day

For lunch you can eat noodles, the rest of the time only water is drunk.

The 20-21 day

Drink only water.


Using this diet you will lose between 33-44 lb.


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