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Protein diet is a new leader for losing weight. It melts fats without losing the muscular mass. It is especially important for active sportsmen.

For assimilating of proteins are necessary 30-40 % more energy than carbohydrates and fats. The organism compensates increasing energy losses, using its supplies-the fatty depots.

The fatty tissue begins to consume and the organism becomes weaker. But it doesn’t mean that you must take big amounts of proteins.


In order to lose kilograms you must use 1, 5 gr. of proteins per 2,2 pounds of weight. And you mustn’t reduce them under 60 gr. per day. The lack of it leads to the loss of muscular mass.

There are three kinds of proteins: animal (all kinds of meat, fish, fish products), dairy (milk, eggs, white cheese, yellow cheese) and vegetable (leguminous foods, kernels, germs).

Until we are in the winter trap, we offer the diet, based on animal and dairy proteins but it is well-balanced.

It is suitable not only for losing weight but it struggles against cellulite.

It is kept for 14 days in which salt, sugar, sweet foods and alcohol are banned. The unlimited amounts of mineral water are taken among meals.

Protein diet plan


Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 1 salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil, 1 glass of tomato juice or 1 tomato

Dinner: 300 gr. of grilled or boiled fish, 1 salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil


Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee, 1 rusk

Lunch: 300 gr. of grilled or boiled fish, 1 salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil

Dinner: 200 gr. of veal, 1 glass of fresh milk


Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee, 1 rusk

Lunch: 200 gr. of stewed carrots with vegetable oil, 1 apple

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 gr. of boiled veal, 1 salad of fresh cabbage with vegetable oil


Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee, 1 rusk

Lunch: 200 gr. of boiled carrots with vegetable oil and grated cheese

Dinner: fruits by your choice


Breakfast: 1 grated carrot tasted with lemon juice, 1 glass of tomato juice

Lunch: 300 gr. of grilled fish, 1 glass of tomato juice

Dinner: 300 gr. of boiled fish, 1 salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil


Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee

Lunch: 200 gr. of boiled chicken, 1 salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 gr. of grated carrots with vegetable oil


Breakfast: 1 cup of green tea

Lunch: 200 gr. of boiled veal, fruits by your choice

Dinner: 200 gr. of boiled chicken, 1 salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil






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