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Description of cholecystitis

The inflammation of the gallbladder is due to the infection, delivered by bloody, lymph or more often the intestine way. Cholecystitis may develop as a separate disease or accompany some other common infection. It is very often due to cholelithiasis with the penetrating of the banal infection.



Pathogenesis of cholecystitis

The presence of a gallstone, which injures the mucosa of the gallbladder, makes easy the development of infection. It is developed easier if there is a stagnation of the gallbladder which presses on the wall of the gallbladder, injures its nutrition and defense and on the other hand, it creates conditions for the development of the penetrated microbes. One must keep in mind that at cholelithiasis stomach achylia occurs which helps the penetrating of intestine flora and also exogenous bacteria in the duodenum and bile ways.


Diagnosis and symptoms of cholecystitis

For a number of patients together with the fit with colic pain the temperature rises and lasts though the pain becomes weaker. Then the subicterus develops; jaundice is not characteristic of cholecystitis. The temperature is constant or remittent, septic. The pulse becomes quicker, the tongue dries, and high leucocytosis develops. If there is an obstacle in the emptying of the gallbladder, you may pulp it thickened, tender with a strong round bottom. Cholecystitis may be acute, subacute, or chronic. At catarrhal cystitis, the clinical picture is easier and the treatment of the patient improves. If festering cystitis develops, local peritonitis can occur. The strong pain, high temperature and chills, obvious light defense, feeling of rubbing, and high leucocytosis show the festering process. In many cases the common condition becomes wrong quickly, the local pain develops and soon after that the symptoms of diffusion acute peritonitis occur.


Cholecystitis diet plan

The diet in complicated cases must be against inflammation, starting in the liver. It is recommended: flour porridges, creams, jelly, purees, soups, compotes, and crackers. The diet is widened when the patient feels better: milk, soups, fresh meat, vegetables, potatoes, etc. Fat, eggs, spices, preserved meat, and fish, alcohol, cold meals, fried, sour, salty things, pickles, and spinach must be eliminated from the menu. The diet must be mainly milk-vegetable.


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