With the help of this diet you can get weight loss 10 kg per week due to cleansing virtues of buckwheat. The diet has two variants. The first variant envisages 2 weeks, if you feel well applying the diet. The second one is for one week. Though the variants don’t differ much, there are details in its application.
Buckwheat is not exactly grain plant. It originates from Asia but it is already grown in Europe and North America.
We’ll start from one prophylactic procedure-cleansing of the kidneys and the whole organism. We’ll suggest some pleasant methods for that:
To enforce a circulation of the lymph and take out the precipitation, you need to drink about 3 liters of liquid a day. It is recommended to drink except pure water and fresh juices –
Apple, grapes, carrot.
We offer you a summer fruity diet, which is tasty, it sates and also helps to lose weight from 6,6 to 15,4 lb per week.
The first day-tea, fruit juice and water
During the first day you stress on tea, fruit juices and water. This combination cleanses the organism and it gives a good start for getting slim. Simultaneously the body will get enough vitamins, fibers and mineral substances. Add fruit and yogurt to the liquids.
Read more: SUMMER DIET 2014
When people are thinking about diabetes, the first thing which comes to their minds is nutrition, and especially old prohibition of cakes. The modern recommendations for nutrition are not so strict, sooner they are complicated, namely:
1. Take various foods and at least 5 times a day fruits and vegetables
2. Reduce fats and proteins to sensible amounts
3. Balance reception of carbohydrates according to insulin and your physical activity
Migraine is disturbance in the regulation of the tension upon the walls of the blood vessels in the head-inside the brain and outside the brain. The characteristic feature is a pulsing pain in the head, usually concentrated in one half of the head, as in the eventual next fit the pain can occur in another side too. In classic migraine the fit occurs in the morning, after getting up. For most patients there are the different symptoms before the fit-zig-zag lines, blurred vision in the visual field and others. After these features, which are consequences of the narrowing of the blood vessels, the fit occurs that is provoked by the widening of the blood vessels. At the beginning of the fit the patient feels a pulsing pain, which can have different frequency. The pain in the head may be accompanied by the feeling of “dried up lips”, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. After the fit there are frequent signals for urinating.