The Curative Action of Honey and Cinnamon
Honey and cinnamon, mixed in a certain correlation, are a tested substance for slimming. But honey must be natural and unpasteurized to assure that ferments in it are not neutralized.
The Diet for Losing Weight with Honey and Cinnamon
In order to lose weight the person, being hungry, must drink a glass of hot water with honey and powdered cinnamon every morning , half an hour before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. If this regime is strictly kept, then even the fattest person can regulate his/her weight, because combination of honey and cinnamon doesn’t make heaping of fat.
The Recipe for Curative Proportions of Honey and Cinnamon, used for Getting Thin.
The correlation is 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon water, 1 teaspoon honey. The bigger quantity can be prepared under the condition of keeping the proportion. Boil some water, then put some cinnamon in and wait for 30 minutes. Add some honey after cooling the liquid in order to keep ferments undestroyed. Half of liquid is taken before sleep, the rest part of it is put in the fridge and taken in the morning.
The weight and the waist are regulated as a result of the refining effect of digestive system. Cinnamon and honey destroy parasites (fungi, bacteria and so on), which does digestion slow.
The attack (first) phase of the diet
The attack (first) phase of the diet for slimming by Pierre Dukan is an opening stage. It /“surprises”/ your body and allows quick weight loss.
This opening stage can go on from 3 to 10 days; it depends on your will and experience with diet.
During this diet only natural proteins called pure are allowed to be eaten.
These are foods which you can eat:
Meat: veal, beef… (with the exception of fat parts of meat, avoiding pork and lamb)
Poultry (without skin): chicken, turkey (with the exception of duck and goose), legs of poultry
Eggs: if you have high cholesterol, you must be careful with eating too many yolks.
Fish and sea food: no limitation. You may allow even smoked salmon.
Low oily dairy products: milk, yoghurt (fruit sour milks are not allowed during the attack phase. You can eat to 2 a day during the cruise (second) phase.
Pies: those are allowed which don’t contain sugar and starch. The quantities are limited!
You must drink much water! Not less than 1, 5 litre a day!
Remember: All foods, counted above, can be consumed in a free way.
But those which are not in the list must be excluded from this diet!