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vegetarian diet takes down 10kg per 2 weeks


The simplest definition of the vegetarianism Is the diet without meat, fish and poultry. However, the nutritive habits of vegetarians are quite broad-spectrum. On one hand there are lacto-ovo vegetarians who avoid animal meat but they eat eggs and dairy products. On the other hand there are vegans who avoid eating all vegetable products even honey. The raw-eaters are vegans who mainly eat raw fruits, vegetables, pottages, sprouts and kernels.



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Mike Moreno’s Diet consists of four 17 days   cycles:

1.  Acceleration - a quick weight loss due to improvement of digestion.

2. Activation - a change of metabolism in order to protect the table-land effect through alternation high and low calories foods.

3. Achievement-building of balanced nutritive regime and physical activity.

4. Hardening - keeping of achieved results through alternation of the first three cycles during the week and rich meals at the weekends. If you want to drop 11-13 lbs. off, the first 17 days cycle is enough. If you want to drop more kilograms off, you must pass through 2, 3 or all 4 stages.

 Dr. Mike Moreno’s 17 Day Diet is one of the successful nutritive regimes during the last years. The diet promises permanentlosing of kilograms only if you follow some main rules. See what they are.

Dr. Mike Moreno’s 17 Day Diet

Dr. Mike Moreno’s 17 Day Diet is a nutritive regime, composed from 4 cycles. Each cycle is consisted of 17 days when there are allowed and forbidden foods. The most important thing is to follow the list or the diet won’t be useful.

It is not obligatory to count calories strictly which makes it easy for beginners in the nutritive regimes.

The most important is the first cycle. You can drop off much more kilograms because its (the diet’s) privations are essential. During the next three cycles you return other groups of foods in your everyday menu. Here are the main rules about Dr.Mike Moreno’s 17 Day Diet.

The first cycle-Acceleration

The first cycle is for the quick dropping the kilograms off. During this 17 days period the digestion improves. The organism cleanses from sugar. You must use healthy-cooked meat and vegetables during this stage.

During this stage you can eat enough meat (best of all- lamb, poultry and, of course, fish. Avoid only red meats), if it is cooked as necessary-better grilled or boiled. You may eat eggs if you don’t have problems with cholesterol. 17 Day Diet allows you to eat different vegetables in  this stage.

It is particular for this 17 Day Diet to limit some fruit. You may eat not more than 2 portions about 200 gr. of fruit without any sugar or sweeteners.

Dr.Moreno recommends to  take probiotics which help to develop the intestine flora and make your digestion better. At this time you must drink green tea and to 8 glasses of water per day.

You must follow this regime 17 days. If you reach the desirable weight, pass directly to the cycle 4.If you want to drop off more, follow cycles 2 and 3.

The cycle 2

During the next 17 day you must keep the regime from the cycle 1.The second part of the diet differs because some new foods are added to your everyday menu. You may include beans and lentlis. It is allowed to eat brown rice with vegetables. You may eat groats, chickpea, quinoa and oat flakes.

Anyway, don’t forget-you mustn’t  overeat these foods. Take small portions without frying any components.

The cycle 3

Some nutritive groups which were forbidden are added in this stage. Little by little the organism adapts to other foods. Add dairy products in small quantities to your day menu. Particularly recommended are cheeses Brie, Camembert, Fontina, Cheddar, Feta and Mozzarella. The lovers of the goat cheese will be satisfied because Dr. Moreno hotly recommends to  take  the goat cheese in the third cycle.

Pasta and wholegrain bread are allowed.

The cycle 4

In the fourth stage you must get to the permanent keeping of lost kilograms. That’s why there are no forbidden foods any more. You may eat what you want but in small quantities. You also may drink alcohol but not more than 50 gr. per day.

Forbidden foods during 17 Day Diet

*Fruit and vegetable juices

*Red meats as well as products made from cultivated meats (frankfurters)

* Alcohol more than 50 gr. (it is allowed only during the cycle 4 of the diet)

* Seafood

*You may eat fruit but not later than 2 o’clock p.m. Thus, your body will have enough time to cultivate fructose.

Exercises during 17 Day Diet

Dr.Moreno recommends intensive exercises during 17 Day Diet. Combine cardio exercises with weight- lifting.   The good results can appear at the end of the cycle 1 of 17 Day Diet.

Having known the main principles of Dr. Mike Moreno’s 17 Day Diet, we offer you the menu for each stage of the nutritive regime:

We offer you an exemplary menu for each stage of 17 Day Diet. You can change the menu according to allowed and forbidden foods. The only obligatory element at each meal is green tea.

The exemplary menu

The cycle 1

Breakfast: 2 egg whites on the pan, ½ grapefruit and a cup of green tea

Lunch: A bowl of green salad, dressed with tune fish and a cup of green tea

Dinner: Chicken fillet on grill, a small portion of vegetables and a cup of green tea

The cycle 2

Breakfast: 2 boiled egg whites, ½ orange and a cup of green tea

Lunch: A bowl of chicken soup with small pieces of chicken grilled fillet. You may add a baked potato with spices by your choice. For dessert take ½ glass of yogurt. Don’t forget about an obligatory cup of green tea.

Dinner: A grilled chop dressed with boiled vegetables or green salad tasted with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. A cup  of green tea.

The cycle 3

Breakfast: A toast with a boiled egg, ½ grapefruit and a cup of green tea

Lunch: Caesar salad and chicken grilled fillet. Don’t worry to add a toast of wholegrain bread and a portion of fruit. After lunch drink a cup of green tea.

Dinner: A grilled chop with a portion of vegetables on grill and a cup of green tea.

The cycle 4

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, season fruit by your choice (without limitation) and a cup of green tea.

Lunch: Sandwich by your choice (if possible without fried components), a tomato or a cucumber and a cup of green tea.

Dinner: Chicken and vegetables in an earthware pan and a cup of green tea.



The Macrobiotic Diet is One of the Healthiest Diets

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macrobiotic diet


Dr. Sagen Ishizuka’s macrobiotic diet

What is macrobiotic nutrition? Those, who are interested in losing kilograms and healthy way of life, must learn the answer to this question.

This is the whole nutritive diet made to help in finding the balance between the physical and emotional adjustment for slimming.

What is the macrobiotic diet?

Dr. Sagen Ishizuka is able to treat many people with the change of their nutritive habits. His recommended diet includes brown rice and different vegetables. His practice became so successful that he limited the number of his patients to 100 per day.

The macrobiotic diet suggests kernels, wholegrain foods and those rich in fibers, vegetables and some fruit.

Dr. Sagen Ishizuka’s diet is composed by five main principles:

*Foods: the basis of health and happiness.

*Sodium and potassium: the main antagonistic and additional elements in eating.

* Grains: the main human meal.

*One must eat only healthy and natural foods.

* Eat only food grown locally in dependence on the season. The ideal diet must consist of food which grows about 300-500 miles from the place you live.

Is meat allowed?

 Is meat allowed during the macrobiotic diet? Above all, it is not much connected with the principles of vegetarianism. In fact, this diet differs from the rest because it depends on the region you live in. This is so because you must eat the foods which are grown locally. It means that if you live in the state Illinois, you won’t eat bananas. The principle is if you eat food which is imported from the other countries or regions with different climate, soil, water etc., this will lead to the disbalance of our organism which physically will lead us to the loss of adaptation to the environment around. And this disbalance increases the physical and mental risk.

The foods given down must be used frugally or mustn’t be consumed at all:

*Dairy products: milk, butter, cheese, ice cream.

* Domestic birds: chicken, duck, turkey.

* Red meat: beef, lamb, pork.

Due to the macrobiotic theory, you may be sick seriously if you eat much meat and live in warm or moderate climate, because the nutritive regime with meat products is more suitable for people living in the polar regions. 

What is macrobiotic cooking

During  the cold seasons cook with more salt in comparison with the warm ones. What kind of heat treatment of foods is suitable for the macrobiotic nutrition:



*Simmering with little fire



*Cooking under pressure

*Quick frying with butter

*Cooking on steam

The priorities of the macrobiotic diet

Is this diet for you? It doesn’t depend on whether you want to improve your health, to lose your weight or both, this diet must be an answer you are looking for because it:

*Makes your skin young and bright

*Helps you to lose overweight

*Helps to reduce cholesterol

*Helps to avert cancer tumors

*Helps to balance blood pressure

* Helps health of the heart

*Stimulates the immune system

The grain in the basis of the diet

 During 10 days eat 3 times per day boiled, fried, smashed or ground grains. Of course, it is not  a various menu, but it’s effective because you can lose about 9 lb. The menu can be rich in fruit and vegetables but cereal cultures must be 70 % of everyday menu. The nutrition always finishes with pickles (you can cook it from cut cabbage, celery, cucumbers) - a very important part of macrobiotic menu.

Allowed and forbidden

The nutritive products are divided in cooling (yin) and warming (yang).The given nutritive product is classified by pH acidity , the place where he was born (wet or dry soil), its color, form, aroma or consistence. Besides, the basis of the diet is energetically neutral (balanced) and natural products, i. e. wholegrain products (wheat, oats, barley, brown rice).These products must occupy the half of the day menu, 35 % of the diet are fresh vegetables, the rest 15 % are seeds of leguminous and others.

Natural orange carrots, green garlic on the board 

Fruit, fish, white meat, nuts and dairy products have a little participation. In this diet there is no place for meat, bread, sweet things , alcohol, more dairy products, caffeine, hot spices as well as processed or conserved products.

Eat the whole products

It is important if possible to eat more products the whole because, thus, they keep right proportions of nutritive substances, i. e. proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, mineral salts. As whole products the macrobiotic diet accepts vegetables and fruit. Those who can’t use them the whole, must use them fully. It means that, for example, cut parts (seeds, seed-grains) of an apple or a pear must be boiled, and their juice must be used as compote or a basis for kissel. The pits of plums or apricots after drying can be broken and their content can be used as almonds.

The art of cooking food

The more the products boiled (in water or on steam), the more Yang gets.  In order to change less the properties of food, it is better to cook in a pressure-cooker and vegetables must be only blanched immersed in boiled water for some minutes. Of course, ”the safest “ form for energy is consumption of foods in uncooked condition, i. e. raw.


Oat flakes with water, a toast of brown (rye) bread spread with a spoon of honey, tea ot herbal infusion.


Vegetable soup, sushi, tofu.

Afternoon snack:

An apple


Cutlets from millet  and vegetables, grated turnip with baked duckweed.











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Ornish diet known as well as “Eat more and lose weight” is a nutritive regime supplied by tremendous scientific proofs but promoted through accessible for everybody advice about healthy life and slimming. Due to followers of the diet consumption preliminarily vegetable foods, rich in fibers and poor in fats help not only the healthy way of life but slimming too. The author of the diet, Dr. Dean Ornish is a well-known figure in the medical sphere, most because of his great success in preventing and the opposite development of atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels only using this diet-something impossible without operation or medicines so far. This is possible in combination of dietetic regime and regular physical activity which makes the most effective and mighty mechanism of the body for melting of fats, says Dr. Ornish.

What you may eat

The diet doesn’t limit calories but foods which one can consume. They are divided into three categories-according to their consumption all the time, sometimes or they are forbidden.

The next products may be accepted always:  when you are hungry and when you are sated:


- fruits -all: from apples to water-melon and from raspberries to pine-apples,


- vegetables.

These foods must be consumed moderately :

- defatted dairy products –this includes defatted skim milk and yogurt , white cheese and cheese;

- eggs’ yokes;

-defatted or with low calories products.

These foods must be avoided at any price

-meat of any sort-red or white, even poultry (if you can’t refuse meat at all, at least reduce its eating) and fish.

-butter and its products such as margarine and dressings for salad;



-kernels and seeds;

-usual dairy products;

-sugar and sugar products-honey, maize syrup and fructose syrup;


-all meals cooked out of home contained more than two grams of fat in a portion.

If you manage to keep this regime, you’ll take less than 10 % of your daily calories of fat without counting the grams of fat or calories. It is recommended frequent eating in small portions, because this nutritive regime makes a person feel hungry more often than usually. Thus, you’ll be sated quicker and eat bigger amount of food without worrying about calories.

To the nutritive regime of Dr.Ornish 30 minutes of moderate intensive sport every day or 1 hour three times weekly are recommended. Besides, he recommends to use alternative techniques for controlling stress such as meditation, massage, psychotherapy or yoga.

How the diet works

Dr.Ornish is an adherent of the idea that human metabolism didn’t change since the stone epic to nowadays, then a person didn’t know when or whether he will eat later on because the nutritive sources were poor. That is why in order to survive the human organism used to keep the spare energy in the form of fats which he’ll use later. Nowadays, however, most people have a permanent access to foods. But the body isn’t adapted to this new regime of nutrition yet.

Because metabolism of a modern man gets slower  when he consumes less calories than usually , the person on diet often reaches a stop in his weight soon after starting new low calories diet. For more people spare kilograms melt during the first week or two weeks of a new regime but after that the arrow of the scales freezes. The weight is kept the same, frequently during the week and sometimes longer.

According to Dr. Ornish foods rich in fibers make absorption of sustaining substances slower in the nutrative system I that is why a person feels sated longer with small portions of meals in comparison with the other diets. Besides, complex carbohydrates don’t challenge rising of blood sugar. Its level in blood stays constant so is our condition.

Exercises to Ornish Diet

Another main moment in the regime is physical activity. Ornish recommends long and moderately intensive regular physical activities which speed metabolism.

Dr.Ornish recommends sorts 5 times a week -30 minutes each or 3 times a week for 1 hour.

In addition to restrictive diet and regular physical activity the means of relaxation from everyday stress, for example, meditation is recommended.

What the experts think 

Most experts give a positive mark of Dr.Ornish’s regime. In fact, his positive researches, shown the opposite development of atherosclerotic slags, are impressive. It can make slower and even turn over the cordial disease, to reduce the risk of cancer, to help controlling the diabetes and high blood pressure, so the adherents of the regime say.

On the other hand, however, the diet demands keeping of absolutely new nutritive habits which many people accept as drastic changes. The nutritive regime of Dr. Ornish is exceptionally strict and it doesn’t allow consumption of many different foods. A small amount of fat makes meals not tasty and not attractive for people on diet. Besides, the diet doesn’t make difference between so-called “good” (poly-monosaturated) and “bad” (trans and saturated) fats.

Time to think

Vegetarians or those who are ready to be for a long time maybe the most reliable followers of this nutritive regime. The recommendations about smaller and more frequent nutrition demands from people on diet to change their day plan as a whole which is not possible for many of them. On the other hand Dr.Ornish diet undoubtedly will help you to lose weight and bring you other benefits as well.

The exemplary menu of Ornish Diet

Breakfast: Wholemeal cereal snack with low-fatted yogurt and a glass of orange juice


Variant 1: Baked potatoes with low-fatted cheese or white cheese and dressing from steamed broccoli

Variant 2: Green salad and fresh fruit for dessert

Dinner: Sandwiches with tomatoes and low-fatted white cheese or wholemeal pasta with vegetables






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Many women began getting fatter from the starting of climacteric. It is so often met that it becomes normal. Menopause and climacteric are natural physiological processes but it doesn’t mean at all that getting weight is obligatory.

There are some rules which women mustn’t forget: needs from energy reduce with the age. That is why after 35  years old and especially after 45 the woman must be careful about her body and figure. Every third woman at coming of menopause increases her weight and suffers so-called metabolic syndrome.

During the menopause the variations in weight are too harmful when the woman loses weight or increases it. In case if she suffers hormonal problems hard, then quick losing weight over 2-3 lb. reflects badly on her self-confidence. Adaptive opportunities of the organism in that period reduce.

Metabolic syndrome is connected with a number of problems – disturbance of metabolism, partly of carbohydrate metabolism. After that the sensitivity to insulin can be disturbed and later on one can develop sugar diabetes.

The other problem is that additional kilograms are heaped near the waist and abdomen but hands, legs and hips are kept the same. The spare quantity of fatty tissues leads to rising of the level of cholesterol and development of atherosclerosis?  The blood pressure increases.

The reason of getting weight is clear-it is due to the taking more necessary calories for the organism during a long period of time.

One of frequent mistakes which women make are  not eating meals nearly the whole day and in the evening one feels terribly hungry, as a result much more foods than necessary  are eaten.


Some rules connected with nutrition must be kept all life. You mustn’t miss breakfast. You need to eat lunch and don’t eat more often than in two hours in small amounts. Sometimes the calories of consumed foods between meals are more than the energy of the last ones.  Sugar and paste products, kernels which are highly caloric are usually eaten. It is useful to eat fruit and dairy products between main courses.

The experiments on the body – losing weight for a short period of time with a drastic regime must be stopped. Except of returning of lost kilograms, the healthy state can be impaired in short-term and long-term periods.

In fact the woman’s organism is privileged – it is protected from the appearance of metabolic syndrome due to women hormones, estrogens. They influence positively for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and help to control the weight. Estrogens regulate the work of vascular-cardio system, keep the elasticity of walls of blood vessels.


During the menopause the level of estrogens falls and this hormonal mechanism becomes weaker.

The metabolic syndrome during the menopause doesn’t appear at all women. In the “risky” group are those who had  made mistakes in nutrition. With the end  of menstruation the other hormonal changes in the hormonal status can possibly come. But it is impossible to say that absolutely healthy woman who had no problems with her weight won’t become fatter.

There is a method not to get the metabolic syndrome. If the organism is “out of norm”, then you must help it to be adapted to the low separation of estrogens from the organism. In order to assure gradual lowering of the level of women’s hormones the taking of tablets contained estrogens will be useful, which will neutralize the loss of hormones. These tablets de facto contain a few estrogens, less than the woman’s organism separates during a generative period. That’s why the doze of estrogens is not fixed and can be increased or reduced depending on the replied reaction of the concrete woman.

In this period it is necessary to visit the gynecologist-endocrinologist regularly, who will watch your blood pressure, the level of cholesterol and blood sugar.

The treatment of metabolic syndrome demands complex decision, the taking only estrogens won’t help. It demands the correction of some habits.

For women in the menopause is made a special regime of nutrition.

Foods with a high content of cholesterol, which must be consumed limitedly:

Yokes, cream, cheese, giblets, pork, caviar, sausages, ice-cream, paste and confectionery products.

Foods with medial content of cholesterol:

Mutton, veal, chicken without skin, shrimps and crayfish.

Foods with low content of cholesterol:

Vegetables, fruits, serials, macaroni, wholewheat bread, vegetable oil, fish.

The Diet in Menopause

The period of menopause gives a chance for women to heap enough kilograms which are later difficult to lose.

Here we offer you a diet which can easily regulate your weight if you are passing the menopause.


Breakfast:-3-5 lb.

Type-low calories

Duration-3 days

Repeatability-once a month

Predominate foods-vegetables, spaghetti


Each woman passed the period of menopause knows how it is difficult and how often the spare kilograms are heaped. That’s why if you expect or you are in such a period of your life it is good to try this diet at least once a month. Except being slender you will keep your appearance in a good form. Herbal teas, fresh juices, vegetable juices and much water are obligatory.

The first day

Breakfast: 170 gr. orange juice, 1 hard-boiled egg.

Lunch: Salad from vegetables by your choice with addition of 60 gr. cut boiled turkey and low-fatted grated cheese.

Dinner: 115 gr. of spaghetti with boiled shrimps and low calories savoury, one apple.

The second day

Breakfast: oat flakes with milk.

Lunch: fruit salad with ½ teaspoon of low-fatted cottage cheese.

Dinner: 115 gr. spaghetti with cut boiled chicken and lean sauce, 1 pear.

The third day

Breakfast: 1 toast with white cheese or cheese.

Lunch: 115 gr. green salad with boiled chicken and lemon juice.

Dinner: 170 gr. lasagna with low-fatted cheese, a big salad with vegetables by your choice poured with lemon juice and a little olive oil, a peach or an orange.




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