The dietetic regime is destined for children above 10 years old
The diet is 7 days
The first and the second days everything is the same
The third and the fourth days everything is the same
The fifth and the sixth days everything is the same
The seventh day is unloading
The exemplary menu from the children’s diet
The first and the second days everything is the same
8 o’clock-1/2 hour before eating some tea + a vegetable
(the same during the whole day), after that a dairy product ( milk, yogurt, cottage cheese)+ the same vegetable
10 o’clock-tea + yogurt (kefir)
12 o’clock-1/2 hour before eating some tea + a vegetable, after that some meat (chicken, veal, fish, an egg, pork fillet) + a vegetable
4 o’clock p. m. =10 o’clock a. m.
7 o’clock p.m. =12 o’clock a.m.
This is repeated for 2 days –the dishes can be different each time but they must be cooked from the same products. For lunch the combination from vegetables is allowed but it must be the same for dinner.
For example, you may eat a chicken steak with salad from cabbage, carrots, dill
And for dinner – chickenwith cabbagein the oven.
For the second day the meat must be the same we have eaten the first day (chicken) but the combination from vegetables may be another one.
The third and the fourth days the principle is the same but instead of chicken you may include another sort of meat or fish or eggs.
The fifthand the sixth days at 8, 10 a.m. and 4 o’clock p.m. instead of a vegetable we eat a fruit (bananas, grapes and melons are forbidden.)
The seventh day may be organized independently or in combination fruits, vegetables, milk and yogurt, at 8, 10, 4 p. m. –yogurt; 12 a.m., 7 p.m. –meat by your choice but it must be the same for two meals.
2 kinds of protein foods, without vegetables and fruits! + 2 liters of liquid
There is no bread, no sugar.
The expected result is minus 4-7 lb. per week.
What foods can children consume without loading their organisms and go them short from substances necessary for the growth of the young organism?
Foods which the child can consume:
-milk and yogurt
-mince -only if the parents themselves ground the meat at home, don’t eat the mince from the shops, because we don’t know what it contains.
-lean ham
-legumen -beans, lentils, peas.
Foods which must be consumed with attention, it is good to reduce their quantity twice from those they are eating at the moment:
-fried potatoes ( though once a week is not a problem)
-fruits -they are healthy food but they contain enough sugar and that’s why don’t eat more than 1-2fruits per day
Foods to avoid:
-all sweet things, if it has a sweet taste, don’t eat it or just try it.
- all paste products –a cake, pies, crackers, pie, buns...
-fried things-cook roast or boiled meals
- bread -crumbs.
Before starting whatever diet, the children must be examined by the physician and he/she must approve the keeping of the nutritive regime.
You can lose at least 3kg for 7 days using the Diet Point. And if you turn it into a nutritive regime, combined with enough motion, you may keep the desired weight all the time. The Diet Point is made in the USA in order to supply an ideal weight for military men and austronauts. But its popularity, however, crosses the borders of the USA entering nearly each house, each continent. So in a certain moment of your life you manage to try it for yourself.
What are the privileges of the Diet Point?
At first the diet looks easy for doing, especially for people who wouldn’t want to be deprived of anything. Keep golden maxim-you mustn’t overdo with anything. I like everything that is delicious.
The lovers of alcohol are favored because this diet allows it.In moderate amounts, of course.
What will it be if we collect all day points only from beer or whisky, for example?
That’s why, as it is said, a little from everything, as for a refined cocktail. If we want a result, however, it is important to limit the usage of carbohydrates and fats instead of proteins. You simply must buy a weighting machine, which is exact and with a list of products how many points bring it to you (the table is down). Think in order to keep the present weight you must consume foods which give you 70-75 points. If you want to reduce it, you must get to 40-45 points per day.
You must have in mind that the white bread gives the most points (48) and having eaten a slice of bread, you’ll already increase your day doze.
The lovers of meat may be satisfied because it brings zero points if it’s boiled and you may consume it unlimitedly, it means that you won’t be hungry. In this aspect the Diet Point is very close to Pierre Dukan diet.
Anyway, there are some variants for more various nutrition here, but in smaller quantities.
How to use the table at Diet Point?
That’s why before applying the Diet Point for yourselves, look at the tables given down. If you want to eat something which is not in the table, then you have to appreciate its content and what group it can belong to, or don’t eat it at all or don’t be strict in keeping this diet. Anyway, it’s only one life we live!
There are exemplary products with an approximate weight in the table and how many points they contain. You yourself can do the day menu. Only a quick look at the table will remember you that using each diet in order to lose weight you must avoid sweet, paste products, food with preservatives, and fizzy drinks too.
If you want to become slim, you must consume foods which are below 45 points per day, if you wish to keep the weight, then you may allow products which as a sum are equal to 70 points per day.
The exemplary menu in the Diet Point
Breakfast: a loaf of bread and fruits (4 points)
A half of wholemeal bread, toasted and spread with a spoon of avocado, 30 gr. smoked salmon on the top. It is served with 1 bowl of fresh fruit salad.
Lunch: a stuffed potato (7 points)
1 middle-sized baked potato, stuffed with ¼ cut red onion, ¼ bowl of sweet maize, 1/2 cut tomato, 1 spoon of defatted cream, ½ bowl of spinach and 30 gr. cheese.
Dinner: spiced roast lamb cutlets (10 points)
2 big red peppers, cut 2 of red onions, cut in 8 pieces, 685 gr. lamb cutlets, 240 gr. wholemeal bread, 40 gr. black olives, 80 gr. salad leaves, 1 spoon olive oil and 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
Light meal (8 points)
1 small cup of coffee with skimmed milk, 200 gr. dietetic yogurt, 2 dietetic biscuits, 10 raw almonds.
The Paleo Diet is created by Dr. Lauren Kordeyn, the teacher in the Faculty of Health and Physical exercises at California University. He says about the diet, “In fact I only rewrote the menu of our ancestors, including products for which we are created by nature.”
And in the first place it is different lean meats and fish. Why lean? Because our ancestors had found them in the wild nature, the animals hadn’t been fed artificially and full of fat. I add some fresh fruits and vegetables. I took all refined carbohydrates off and my tasty and easily for following offer for weight loss was accepted with pleasure.
At the first sight the diet is regular, low in carbohydrates. But it is not exactly in such a way. It is proved by the detailed tables of Dr. Kordeyn. In his program the carbohydrates are from 22 to 44 % (between 4 and 22 % in the rest of similar diets.) The difference is due to the fruits and vegetables which he offers hotly. That’s why vegetal fibers, providing good digestion and activating metabolism, are more in many times than in other programs. There is a great difference in fats , the problem is in bigger amount of protein diets. Because Dr.Kordeyn avoids fatty meats as pork and lamb, the percentage is in the frame of healthy norm from 28-40 % of the whole value of the day menu.
The book of Dr.Kordeyn “The Paleo Diet” is a direction for healthy nutrition. The author describes in details the use of different products included in his program. Thus, his readers understand why they must limit one or another favorite dish. And to refuse it is very easily.
How long does each level of the Paleo Diet go on?
Each level goes on 2 weeks.
In order the diet to be without problems, he gives detailed two-week menus for all three levels of the program. He adds the recipes of dishes with useful food.”If you follow my recommendations, I promise that you lose 77 lb. for 6 months –says Dr.Kordeyn. -Is your problem less? Then you mustn’t worry. You won’t need to pass all the levels of the Paleo Diet.”
The choice of food
Allowed food
Meat: Eat how much you want for breakfast, lunch and dinner but only lean meat. Prepare it in a simple way: boil, roast, stew and then –squeeze the rest of fat. Fry in small amounts in hot olive oil. Pork and lamb are in the least amount, choose more veal, chicken and turkey.
Fish and seafood : all seafood is allowed, especially red fish.
Fruits and vegetables: they must provide a half of calories from your day menu. It is difficult only with traditional sorts because you’ll eat a great number of fibers and your stomach will be swollen all the time. But there are avocados and different nuts in this group and they have useful fats and it is easier to get necessary calories from this group.
Fats: olive oil, nuts, flex oil.
Drinks: soft dietetic, coffee, tea, wine, beer, another alcohol.
Desserts: dry fruits, nuts (to 130 gr. per day).
Dairy products: all the products which contain milk, butter, white cheese, cream, ice cream, milk and yogurt.
Serials: bailey, maize, millet, corns, rice, rye, wheat.
Leguminous: all sorts of beans, chick-peas, lentils, peas, peanuts, soya and soya products.
Vegetables rich in starch.
Soft drinks and sugar products.
The first level
Your three meals during the week must be open. Then you may eat what you want. Thus, the mental inhibit from bans is reducing. But it doesn’t mean that you may eat 1 kg. of ice cream, 100 gr. is absolutely enough. The level goes on two weeks.
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 apple, 1 grated carrot and a cup of caffeine coffee.
Lunch: green salad with tune and a handful of almonds.
Dinner: a piece of boiled turkey, green salad, a kiwi and a mandarin.
Breakfast: lean pork chop, a fruit, and herbal tea.
Lunch: spinach salad, a piece of roast sea fish, grilled cauliflower and an apple.
Dinner: the soup from vegetable marrows, a piece of stewed veal and figs.
Breakfast: a grapefruit, a piece of cold veal and a cup of caffeine coffee.
Lunch: open nutrition.
Dinner: a slice of avocado and tomatoes, a piece of boiled chicken chests, fresh fruit and some nuts.
Breakfast: 2 mixed eggs, a fresh fruit and herbal tea.
Lunch: green salad with shrimps, fresh fruits and herbal tea.
Dinner: tomato soup, green salad with olives, a piece of roast veal, fresh fruits and a glass of red wine.
Breakfast: fresh fruit, rolled crabs and some water with lemon.
Lunch: chicken with vegetables, salad from tomatoes, olives and cold tea.
Dinner: open nutrition.
Breakfast: fresh fruits, a piece of cold chicken and herbal tea.
Lunch: green salad with shrimps, fresh fruit and some water with lemon.
Dinner: baked mackerel, salad from tomatoes and cucumbers, fresh fruit and a glass of white wine.
Breakfast: open nutrition.
Lunch: chicken salad with almonds and herbal tea.
Dinner: a slice of tomato and an avocado, grilled chicken chests, steamed broccoli and some water with lemon.
The second level
You have a right for two open nutritions a week. The level goes on 14 days. If you achieve the desired weight you can miss the third level. Make a menu similar to the first level one. For snacks use only allowed food from the list.
The third level
You can guess that open nutrition can be done only once a week. You know the principles of the diet already and you can choose the right food now. Due to Dr. Kordeyn this level is for the biggest enthusiasts of the Paleo Diet and they follow it all their lives.
Interstitial snacks:
All sorts of fruit;
Desalt beef jerk;
Desalt dry salmon;
Raw vegetables: carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, a cucumber;
Cold roast chicken chests without skin;
A slice of avocado or a tomato;
Nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts;
Dry fruits (to 60 gr. per day);
A hard – boiled egg;
Unsalted sunflower seeds.
If you ask which is the most popular method for losing weight , practised by men and women, the answer is “The diet with maple syrup”. It is ideal as for reduction of the body weight so for cleansing of the organism. You can lose about 11-22 lb. for 10 days using this diet. It is due to the active reduction of fatty heaping and effective elimination of toxins from the body. The diet with maple syrup can be applied three –four times a year.
The diet with maple syrup has a positive effect on skin, hair, the work of the digestive system, mental and physical condition.
The maple syrup is the best means for quick losing weight
The main component, necessary for this diet, is the maple syrup of class A or class C. The researches of Canadian scientists show that the maple syrup of class A is the richest in the nutritive components. The difference between class A and class C is in an intensive taste, cleanness and quality of soil and it influences, in its turn, on the price of the product.
What does the diet with maple syrup contain?
In this diet main meals are changed by specially made drinks of maple syrup, lemon juice and water. In order to make this drink you need next components:
-2 tablespoons of maple syrup
-2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
-1 pinch (1/4 tablespoon) of ginger in powder and hot red pepper (chili) for improvement of metabolism and circulation
-300 ml. of warm or cold water
All the components are stirred to homogeneous mixture.
For the achievement of good results you must consume from 6-to 12 cups (2-4 liters) of this drink a day. When you feel hungry or weakness –drink a cup. You will provide the organism with all necessary vitamins and minerals drinking this beverage. The absence of proteins during the diet will make stronger the throwing out of toxins from the organism. Remember, don’t consume any other food during the diet with maple syrup.
If it is necessary, you may drink mint tea or fizzy water additionally.
When you finish the diet, pay attention to the feeding during next three days. The returning to the normal nutrition must be gradual, starting from small amounts of easily nutritive food. Have in mind that the taking of big amounts of food can make worse the condition of the digestive system.
That is why follow the next recommendations:
The first day: breakfast: fruit juice; lunch: clear vegetable soup; dinner: boiled vegetables.
The second day: breakfast: fruit juice or fruit; lunch: clear soup with millet and boiled corn (barley, rice); dinner: wheat nuts poured with rice milk.
The third day: breakfast: fruit juice or fruit; lunch: vegetable soup and a little of protein food from soya; dinner: wheat nuts poured with rice milk.
The diet mustn’t keep on more than 10 days. If you wish to repeat the diet you must make a pause for 4 weeks.
The diet with maple syrup may be done by everyone. It will cleanse your organism from toxins which are the main reason for diseases.
People with serious diseases or disorder in specific physical functions must be consulted by the physician before the start of the diet!
What will you do if you can’t be limited by food? If you think that you can’t keep the strict ten-day regime of nutrition, we recommend to do the diet shorter-from 5 to 7 days. And in this case the only food which is taken during the diet is a beverage from maple syrup made by the upper- described way. You must drink 2-4 liters of a drink a day. Be sure you will achieve good results. In this case you may reduce your weight from 6, 6 to 11 lb.
How will you keep the achieved results?
The most successful way to keep the achieved results is to change breakfast and dinner with 2-3 cups of original maple syrup drink made by the upper recipe. Thus, you’ll help the natural process of cleansing the organism, which is the most intensive at night.
Consume some bread from inseparable flour for lunch, as well as protein food such as boiled white meat, soya cutlets, soya meatballs, mushrooms and fish. You may eat boiled or stewed vegetables for dressing. Fresh salad may be consumed unlimitedly but don’t cook it with oil and salt. The clear vegetable soup will make you fresh.
We recommend fresh fruit for dessert. The best thing you can do for yourself in this period is to avoid sweets, red meat, fried things, white flour, sugar and alcohol. These products make the digestive system slower and cleansing the organism from toxins and poisons, which are the reason of many diseases, more complex and they increase fatty heaping.
Changing breakfast and dinner by maple syrup you in fact go on the process of cleansing of the body started with this diet. It helps in supporting of weight. It is good to keep this regime during one month. After that you can pass to the last phase of cleansing, i .e.-one- day program.
One-day program for cleansing the organism.
Many people don’t think about their digestive system and about poisons which are gathered to the moment when the pain appears. One-day program gives you a chance to avoid these troubles. If you change your usual meals with the maple syrup beverage only once a week, you’ll give a chance for your organism to be cleansed and have rest keeping the same weight. Because of the favorable action,
Be patient and tenacious
During first three days you’ll feel weakness and exhaustion. This is a result of the active cleansing from poisons.
But don’t give up! The slimming demands time and tenacity. Don’t allow eventual mistakes in keeping the diet to disappoint you .They won’t frustrate your previous efforts in contrast to your negative reaction. Look at it in a long-term prospect.
Trust your own choice and ability to achieve the success. The results will be accompanied by 100 % health.
How to make maple syrup lemon cayenne diet?
The famous today maple diet is strict enough-during the whole time from 10 days nothing is consumed except the drink made of 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, hot red peppers or fresh juice from ginger, 300 ml. of warm or cold water. The components are stirred to homogeneous mixture. From 6 to 12 glasses (2 to 4 liters) of drink are consumed per day. You can drink a cup of peppermint tea or water. The caloricity of 100 gr. of maple syrup is 261 calories- during these 10 days the organism is in low calories regime. The slimming is about 22, 2 lb.
How to avoid the yo-yo effect?
Surely this regime will exhaust you much and you’ll quickly return your lost kilograms. That’s why you may apply a compromise variant included taking of fruit and vegetables as well as reducing of duration of starving for 3,5 or 7 days. The feeding is very important in order to avoid yo-yo effect and make worse the condition of your digestive system. Start with easily digestive food (fruit and fruit juices, vegetable soups, raw or stewed vegetables, soya products) in small portions.
If you don’t have maximum and quick goals, you can change the only one nutrition with maple drink during 3-6 months. It is good to make one cleansing day with this maple “wonder” during the week. You’ll feel really well, you’ll unload the organism and you’ll get the energy and the losing of spare kilograms will be gradually.
Even id you abstract from losing weight, there is an argument to trust the maple syrup: antioxidants in it have irreplaceable antibacteriological properties, it supplies energy in the organism and forces immunity because of vitamins and microelements, helps to limit toxins and stimulates digestion. About 150 ml. of maple syrup assures a day doze of manganese, which is necessary for normal functions of immune and nervous systems, as well as for health of bones. Zinc in the maple syrup is important for functions of reproductive organs, a prostatic gland, protein synthesis, protects the liver from injury, helps formatting of bone tissue. Despite of sweetness it is recommended at sugar diabetics because of the abstsisiev acid, cleanses a gall and kidneys, helps in struggle with bad cholesterol It is effective in struggle against the growth of cancer cells in brain, chests, lungs, a prostatic gland.
Another variant of the diet with the maple syrup
Another variant is a program “The Replacement of Nutrition” when the first and the second meals are replaced with 2-3 glasses of cocktail. The program of cleansing “Once a Week” introduces a regime when the drink is consumed once a week, but it is drunk the whole day.
The taking of the maple syrup reflects well on the whole organism and especially on the digestive system, hair, skin, the general physical condition. And never forget about the physical activity.